On October 6th, many of us were introduced to the concept of Character Strengths - the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave - by mentor, coach and author Jane S. Anderson. Through her inspirational and interactive presentation, she suggested how we might use Character Strengths in balanced ways to benefit others and ourselves.
Jane provided a great overview during the program but she only was able to scratch the surface of the value of Strengths-based Living and how it can represent a journey toward living a joyful, meaningful life.
One of the most powerful tools demonstrated was the practice of Strengths Spotting. Strength Spotting is the act of recognizing and identifying the strengths that a person may possess, through a process of observation. Everyone has a unique set of skills that can be expressed through story telling and behavioral actions. Strength spotting allows you to uncover another’s strength in order to create a wider picture of their identity. It is something that we may have been doing all along and not have realized it.
Watch this clip from her presentation by clicking on the image below and see how to start doing your own practice of Strengths Spotting to help you make highly-rewarding connections:
For more information about character strengths and Jane's practice, visit her website: strengthbasedliving.com and use this link to take the VIA strength assessment.